
[BUG] GET failed with status 429: {"message":"grpc: received message larger than max (70716954 vs. 4194304)

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Using ethdo but it calls the go-eth2-client ...

When trying to generate an offline file, I get a 429 error with this command

./ethdo validator credentials set --prepare-offline --connection (eth2 beacon node:3500)

Connections to remote beacon nodes should be secure. This warning can be silenced with --allow-insecure-connections
Error: failed to process: failed to obtain validators: failed to request validators: GET failed with status 429: {"message":"grpc: received message larger than max (70716973 vs. 4194304)","code":429}

Google seems to indicate that an option should be set:

I solved this problem by assigning the grpc.max_message_length when creating the gRPC stub

    # create the gRPC stub
options = [('grpc.max_message_length', 100 * 1024 * 1024)]
channel = grpc.insecure_channel(server_url, options = options)
stub = prediction_service_pb2_grpc.PredictionServiceStub(channel)

Thanks for the pointer @Eloring ! I needed this option to get it to work:

options = [('grpc.max_receive_message_length', max_message_length)]

I traced the code as best as I could and I can see where the HTTP request is sent but I can't see where options would be set...

It was unrelated to this project ...