
The aim of this project is to code a 'C'library regrouping usual functions.

Primary LanguageC


The aim of this project is to code a 'C'library regrouping usual functions.

Libft (42cursus) 2021-2022

  • Actual Status : finished.
  • Result : 100%
  • Observations : (null)


🏁 Getting Started

⚙️ Prerequisites

All you need is a shell and a C compiler like gcc or clang.

🖥️ Installing

To compile the entire thing just clone the repo and run make:

$ git clone https://github.com/attia-nabil/libft.git
$ cd libft
$ make

This will generate a libft.a archive, which you can compile with any of the example files:

$ cp examples/ft_itoa.c example.c
$ gcc -g -I ./includes example.c libft.a
$ ./a.out

🎈 Usage

You can call most stdlib.h functions as you normally would but with the prefix ft_:

ft_putstr("Hello, world!\n");

forthebadge forthebadge

This is my libft project from the 42 cursus (1337), need help: nattia@student.1337.ma