
Feature Suggestion: Left Arrow/Backspace to start edit

rstelzleni opened this issue · 0 comments

I often mistype commands, and my muscle memory has me hit up arrow, left arrow to start editing it. With atuin this of course doesn't do anything, I need to hit up arrow, tab, left arrow.

Hitting up arrow shows me commands, which is perfect. Hitting left immediately after, with no search, does nothing. My suggestion is, if there is no search and the user presses left, start editing the currently selected command. Basically, left is like tab+left if the search box is empty. I think the same suggestion would make sense for backspace with no search.

I think this would help with people's long entrenched muscle memory, and also be a natural way of working when scrolling back through commands with up arrow. What do you think?

ps, Apologies if this has been suggested. I couldn't find in google or in github search