
WIKI not included in web browser search

netmindz opened this issue · 6 comments

Github actively block indexing of any of the wiki, which makes finding information harder than it should be (community/community#4992)

Solution - Run export to static HTML and host somewhere - maybe github pages?

See attached example of output with default settings

PR created #236

See example from my own project

Not the pretty, but at least will be indexed by Google

Nudge @atuline

What do you think about this?

A fork of so perfect symbiose of upstream info + fork info IMO.

Supported by GitHub workflows so any commit towards it will automatically update the pages.

I"m up for all that!!

You guys take this in whatever direction you feel is best. I've pretty well reverted to being an end user for the near future.

@ewoudwijma looks nicer and should be indexable by Google, though that's for the newer MoonModules rather than the 0.13 maintenance release here.

Should I raise an issue against MM to copy over the info that's on this wiki that's missing there, e.g the page about the digital Mic hookup?

Should I raise an issue against MM to copy over the info that's on this wiki that's missing there, e.g the page about the digital Mic hookup?

At the moment is in first setup stage, we still need to think about the best setup. I did some changes today and tried to capture that here: MoonModules#6

@netmindz , Can you take a look, and add your thoughts?