
Test showing no questions available

banderson407 opened this issue · 7 comments


Have another one.
Had a student say they can't take a test because it shows no questions available.
When I try the test I don't have that problem
When looking at her entries in the tests_results file I see a status of 0 for the test and others show a status of 1.
What does the status refer to?
Also if need be can that entry just be deleted or will it cause issues?


I'd need to investigate to find answers, so I'll leave that to you. I don't have any quick suggestions.

I've looked in the online administrator documentation but can't find a data dictionary.
Y'all must have created one when developing the program, do you know if it was ever published?

There's an old db schema in the Developer doc. Probably not all that useful (V1.4.1). Was never really maintained.

Most of what you need to know about the data can be deduced from atutor_schema.sql


Thanks, I know you have better things to do than deal with my issues and I appreciate the assistance.
That certainly gives me a starting point.



Just a quick follow up.
I couldn't find a reason for the issue but when I removed the entry from tests_results the problem went away and they are able to take the test and complete the course.
Quick question before I close this thread...when a new student registers they see a prompt to edit preferences. They see this every login until the go into the preferences and apply. Is there an option the prevents this from showing?


There isn't an option to remove the preferences prompt. But hey, anythings possible with open source if you want to find the code an hack it.