
Call to undefined method Atymic\Twitter\Service\Accessor::postTweet()

nerocil opened this issue ยท 7 comments

How to fix this issue
Call to undefined method Atymic\Twitter\Service\Accessor::postTweet()

Could you provide more details ? Which version of API are you using ? The steps to produce the error ?

Looks like that this method is not implemented in API v2.

This was the day Twitter switch off API v1.1

-- are there any plans to re-impletent sending posts & dm's to twitter from this package?

I wish I read this before tying to implement this package, lol. As far as I can make out it is not a method in V2 and V1 has been shutdown (or at least need special twitter permissions)

Checkout this library its solve my problem

Thanks @nerocil I went with this in the end.

Works with v1.1