
vue-com-popup is a popup component for vue.js and yet nuxt.js


$ npm i vue-com-popup


Name Description Value Default
name For using with event bus (Vue.prototype.$bus) String ''
trigger Open/Close popup Boolean false
closeByClickOnContent Close popup after click inside Boolean false
closeByClickOnOverlay Close popup after click outside Boolean false
closeOnEvent Listen event from content (Use this.$parent.$emit in child) String 'close'
hideCloseIcon Thank you, Captain! Boolean false
smallDeviceWidth Full screen mode for devices smaller this Number 768
inlineStyle Popup CSS Object null
onOpen Callback for open event Function null
onClose Callback for close event Function null


Using vue-com-popup inside another vue component:

        <button @click="popupState =! popupState">Popup trigger</button>
                'min-width': '30%',
                'padding': '20px'
            <h1>Popup tittle</h1>
            <p>Popup content</p>

import ComPopup from 'vue-com-popup';

export default {
    components: {

    data() {
        return {
            popupState: false
