
Function: Output Results in File

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This is a function that would receive the variables of interest at all points from the function 'main_function_simulation' and process the data into a file that is easier for the user to read.

The function would receive the displacement of the string at every spatial step at every temporal step in a matrix. The file would present this data so the user can easily look and see at time 't' the string's behavior.

Working Algorithm

  • Receive array from 'main_function_simulation'
  • Create a three rows of a table (dictionary?) that contains the information of node number, displacement, and time step
  • Input array data into the created table
  • Output table in text file

    def output_results_file(array):

This function outputs a file containing the results at every spatial and temporal step.


- Array: Received from def main_function_simulation

Working algorithm:

- Receive array from 'main_function_simulation'
    - Create a three rows of a table (dictionary?) that contains the information of node number, 
    displacement, and time step
    - Input array data into the created table
    - Output table in text file


- File contained table with node number, displacement at that node, and time step