
Get FAILURE: Build failed with an exception when i Compiling for Android and creating the sample Android app

tridtay opened this issue · 8 comments

hello , im a window 10 user with java version 15.0.2 and swig version 4.0.2.
im doing a step Compiling for Android and creating the sample Android app on the
im input this [gradlew opensmile:swig] on developer command line then i got this error.
how to solve this problem.
thank you

thank you so much for first suggestion i solved by change java version to 13
in the next step after im input [gradlew opensmile:assemble -P{Aar}] to developer command line
in the end of progess i got this error
now im using java version 13.0.2
swig version 4.0.1
how to solve this problem.
thank you

It seems it tried to run swig but it's not in the PATH. Make sure to have SWIG installed and the executable is in your PATH.

The compilation error is due to a known bug. Changing data == 0 in the line of code where the error is reported to data == null should fix it.

i have set path and change [data == null]
at the end of progess i get this error

where i change [data == null]

Build_gradle file

I had the same problem and was able to solve it by changing lines 71-73 in opensmile/src/main/java/com/audeering/opensmile/ to:

public static boolean SwigDirector_CallbackExternalSink_onCalledExternalSinkCallback(CallbackExternalSink jself, float[] data) {
    return jself.onCalledExternalSinkCallback(data);

I think the devs tried to do the same during build as described in opensmile/progsrc/android-template/opensmile/build.gradle line 18. But for some reason it did not work on my machine.:

content = content.replaceAll(/\(data == 0\) \? null : new SWIGTYPE_p_float\(data, false\)/, 'data')

I also had suffix the path with opensmile in opensmile/progsrc/android-template/opensmile/build.gradle line 16.
So that it looks like this: def path = 'opensmile/src/main/java/com/audeering/opensmile/'

I tried it with:
Java version: 8 (openjdk version "1.8.0_332")
SWIG version: 4.0.2
Android: 9 (Kernel 3.18.120)

To make the app work I also added CMAKE_FLAGS=-DWITH_OPENSLES=ON to opensmile/progsrc/android-template/ and set WITH_OPENSLES=ON

Now I still have this issue: #12

@TomAtGithub Thanks a lot for sharing your findings.

I think the devs tried to do the same during build as described in opensmile/progsrc/android-template/opensmile/build.gradle line 18. But for some reason it did not work on my machine.:

I cannot reproduce this issue on my local machine, unfortunately.

I also had suffix the path with opensmile in opensmile/progsrc/android-template/opensmile/build.gradle line 16.

This one I could reproduce and your suggestion fixes it. Thanks a lot, this fix will be part of the next release.

To make the app work I also added CMAKE_FLAGS=-DWITH_OPENSLES=ON to opensmile/progsrc/android-template/ and set WITH_OPENSLES=ON

Yes, you are right. This flag should be part of CMAKE_FLAGS.

when i use cmd to implement[./gradlew opensmile:assemble],output error{
Execution failed for task ':opensmile:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.

Failed to calculate the value of task ':opensmile:compileDebugJavaWithJavac' property 'options.generatedSourceOutputDirectory'.
Querying the mapped value of map( property(org.gradle.api.file.Directory, fixed(class org.gradle.api.internal.file.DefaultFilePropertyFactory$FixedDirectory, C:\Users\User\Desktop\opensmile-master\opensmile-master\progsrc\android-template\opensmile\build\generated\ap_generated_sources\debug\out)) org.gradle.api.internal.file.DefaultFilePropertyFactory$ToFileTransformer@3f2a6647) before task ':opensmile:compileDebugJavaWithJavac' has completed is not supported
@chausner-audeering please help me :(