
Issue on recording using smileapi

sylee3 opened this issue · 1 comments


I was able to install/compile openSMILE with PortAudio and able to get various configuration option of the cPortAudio using SMILExtract -H. I was also able to record using SMILExtract with audiorecorder.conf configuration file and get the recorded wav file (have to use Ctrl C to exit).

However, when I try to use smileapi to record using same audiorecorder.conf did not record. In my C# code, in one thread I call following smileapi API.

smile.Initialize(configfile, options);

In another thread, I am trying to exit smile object by using following API when some event occurs.


These approach creates wav file with some file size, but no recorded sound exist. Any help or advise would be greatly helpful.


Are you sure that cPortaudioSource is recording from the correct audio device?

I suggest to try narrowing down the issue first to check if the problem is on the audio recording side or somewhere else. You could insert a cCsvSink instance to write out the audio data, for example.