Welcome to the repository about automated audio captioning resources. This repository aims at having an up-to-date list of resources for automated audio captioning (AAC), ranging from AAC datasets to natural language processing (NLP) related and audio processing tools and models.
The repository is organized in three sectionsm, with a fourth one coming later on. The first section is about AAC datasets. The second is about NLP tools and models, and the third is about audio processing models and tools.
If you think of some other resource for AAC, please drop us an email or make an issue at this repository.
This repository is maintained by K. Drossos.
- Automated audio captioning datasets
- Natural language processing tools and models
- Audio processing tools and models
At the moment, there are three AAC datasets. Here will be listed all three of them, in chronological order.
Audio Caption dataset can be found online and consists of audio clips from two specific scenes, "Hospital" and "Car". Audio Caption contains around 3700 audio clips from "Hospital" scene and around 3600 audio clips from the "Car" scene. Every audio clip is 10 seconds long and is annotated with five captions. Audio Caption offers two splits for each scene, a development and a evaluation one. Additional information can be found at the corresponding GitHub repository of Audio Caption and at the corresponding papers of Audio Caption.
- M. Wu, H. Dinkel, and K. Yu, "Audio caption: Listen and tell," in 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2019, pp. 830–834
- X. Xu, H. Dinkel, M. Wu, and K. Yu, "Audio Caption in a Car Setting with a Sentence-Level Loss," in arXiv:1905.13448 [cs.SD], 2019
AudioCaps can also be found online and consists of annotations of clips from the AudioSet dataset. AudioCaps has around 40 000 audio clips of 10 seconds, organized in three splits; a training slipt, a validation slipt, and a testing slipt. Training split has around 38 000 audio clips, with one caption each. Validation and testing splits have around 500 and 900 clips, respectively, each clips annotated with five captions. Further information can be found at the web page of AudioCaps and at the corresponding paper.
- C. D. Kim, B. Kim, H. Lee, and G. Kim, "AudioCaps: Generating captions for audios in the wild,” in Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers), Minneapolis, Minnesota, Jun. 2019, pp. 119–132, Association for Computational Linguistics
Clotho dataset can be found online and consists of audio samples of 15 to 30 seconds duration, each audio sample having five captions of eight to 20 words length. There is a total of 4981 audio samples in Clotho, with 24 905 captions (i.e. 4981 audio samples * 5 captions per each sample). Clotho is built with focus on audio content and caption diversity, and the splits of the data are not hampering the training or evaluation of methods. All audio samples are from the Freesound platform, and captions are crowdsourced using Amazon Mechanical Turk and annotators from English speaking countries. Unique words, named entities, and speech transcription are removed with post-processing. Further information can be found at the corresponding paper.
- K. Drossos, S. Lipping, and T. Virtanen, "Clotho: An audio captioning dataset," in ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE, 2020, pp. 736–740
We can suggest four resources for natural language processing.
NLTK can be found online and can be installed using the standard Python processes. NLTK has various tools that can be used, ranging from sentence tokenizers and part-of-speech tagging, to WordNet interface for querying WordNet about words (e.g. synonyms, parent terms, etc).
- S. Bird and E. Loper, "NLTK: the natural language toolkit," In Proceedings of the ACL Interactive Poster and Demonstration Sessions, Barcelona, Spain, Jul. 2004, pp. 214–217
Word2Vec offers both a model to be trained on textual data and a pre-trained embeddings model, optimized on large corpus of text. You can find Word2Vec online.
- T. Mikolov, K. Chen, G. S. Corrado, and J. Dean, "Efficient estimation of word representations in vector space," In International Conference on Learning Representations, 2013
- T. Mikolov, I. Sutskever, K. Chen, G. Corrado, and J. Dean, "Distributed representations of words and phrases and their compositionality," In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems - Volume 2, NIPS'13, 2013, pp. 3111–3119
There is a GitHub repository with Most (if not all) of them based on the Transformer model. The GitHub repo is called "Sentence Transformers: Multilingual Sentence Embeddings using BERT / RoBERTa / XLM-RoBERTa & Co. with PyTorch" and is available online.
There is a Python library with neural models for natural language processing, called PORORO. PORORO is available on GitHub and consists of multiple neural models that can be used for processing the captions.
We can suggest three resources for audio processing, where one is a dataset and two are pre-trained models.
AudioSet canbe found online and consists of over 2M 10-second long audio clips, annotated by humans and drawn from YouTube. The ontology of AudioSet consists of over 630 audio event classes.
- J. F. Gemmeke, D. P. W. Ellis, D. Freedman, A. Jansen, W. Lawrence, R. C. Moore, M. Plakal, and M. Ritter, "Audio set: an ontology and human-labeled dataset for audio events," In 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May, 2017
YAMNet model can be found online and is focused on sound event tagging. YAMNet is trained on the AudioSet dataset and uses the Mobilenet_v1 architecture. Input audio to YAMNet is resampled to 16 kHz, and input features are 64 log mel-band energies, for 96 frames of 10 ms. A description of YAMNet can be found at its online repository.
- A. G. Howard, M. Zhu, B. Chen, D. Kalenichenko, W. Wang, T. Weyand, M. Andreetto, and H. Adam, "Mobilenets: efficient convolutional neural networks for mobile vision applications," arXiv:1704.04861, 2017
OpenL3 model is available online and is a modified version of the Look, Listen, and Learn model, focused on providing audio embeddings that perform well in various downstream tasks. OpenL3 is optimized mostly on music videos from the AudioSet dataset, and returns an embedding with 6144 features, for every embedding frame. Additionall information can be found at the online documentation of OpenL3.
- J. Cramer, H. Wu, J. Salamon, and J. P. Bello, "Look, listen, and learn more: design choices for deep audio embeddings," In ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019