
Invoking Judgement: Can only players in a round vote?

Closed this issue · 1 comments talks about players being in a round if their player file exists when the round starts. However, it never stipulates that being in a round is a prerequisite to voting (though I believe this is the intention).

Meanwhile, says that every player is an eligible voter and every eligible voter must vote on all rule changes.

By the precedence rules, 105 has a lower number and would mean that everyone in the players directory should be voting on every rule immediately.

I believe that @selfsame is the Judge for this.

@Cardboard @piersb @kgrover @william42 @fonorobert

My judgement of this issue is that:

  • per 201 a round must have the vote of every eligible player to be resolved
  • per 105 players which registered after the round's PR may still cast a vote