
No player need ever record a negative score?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

This is not a call for judgment, just an observation.

At present:

  • A player may always leave the game. Option to forfeit
  • A player may join the game at any time by pull request. Players and joining the game
  • That pull request may be approved and merged by any one existing player. Players and joining the game
  • All players begin with zero points. Turn alteration
  • I am willing to approve the join pull request for any player who forfeits and re-joins in order to reset their score to zero.

Given the above, I think it should be permissible to issue an administrative pull request that sets a player's own score to zero and changes their player number appropriately, in lieu of the equivalent act of forfeiting and then re-joining the game.


  • Due to this language in Players and joining the game:

    a number that must be equal to the number of files that were present in the directory before the candidate player's file was added

    ... players that join after other players have forfeit may receive the same number as existing players. If someone were to press the issue this could cause problems with Turn alteration:

    The player with the lowest number goes first. The next player to take a turn shall be the player with the next highest number. If there is no higher number, the next round begins with the player with the lowest number.

  • If the numbering problem mentioned above is resolved, then two or more players could conspire to repeatedly forfeit and re-join, approving each other's join PR, enabling them to take an unlimited number of turns near the end of a round.

All I can say is: On second thought, let's not play Nomic. Tis a silly game.