
Translate to ...

jsmitar opened this issue ยท 19 comments

Contact with me please. ๐Ÿ‘

KottV commented

Maybe I can help translate into Russian.

I'm having some problems with the localization, for some reason it does not work properly.

I can help translate to portuguese. Also, I did an AUR package for this awesome plasmoid: https://aur4.archlinux.org/packages/kdeplasma-applets-playbar2/
Thanks for your work.

Please prepare proper tempates on https://www.transifex.com/ for easy translations managment.
I want create polish lang. localisation.

Thanks andrewmatos for your work.
FadeMind I'll keep it in mind.

Hello FadeMind, Kott and andrevmatos, the templates "po" are ready. Clone my repository and translate them with Lokalize, make a commit my repository or send me the "po" by any means.


Sorry for the delay, but I had many problems with the internationalization.

Polish language ready and merged.

KottV commented

mb, i'm doing smth wrong as i cannot push to git (perm. denied), so, there are ru.po:


Ok thanks, great work ๐Ÿ‘

KottV commented

I've made updated ru local-n for -dev btanch http://susepaste.org/15869020
But I don't get what should do these option:
Background hint (No background, Normal, Translucent, Shadow color)
I switched them, but didn't saw any changes in visual.

Hi @KottV, Thank you for your dedication, you're amazing ๐Ÿ‘
These options only work on background desktop, not in panel.

Hello, maybe I can translate it into Chinese @audoban

@FlashYDirOX Hello, welcome. What language do you want to add, zh_CN(Simplified Chinese) or zh_TW(Traditional Chinese)?

@FlashYDirOX Please edit the .po files with the tool Lokalize.


send a PR when you finish

@audoban OK, thanks.

@audoban I finished, how can i send them?

You should do a fork, do commit and then create Pull request
spectacle lh6548

@audoban Hello, maybe i add my works into 'Pull request'?And what should i do next?