
Multi sheet footer doesnt show the export and import option

Opened this issue · 6 comments


When i create a multisheet spreadsheet,

  1. The concurrent users are not seeing the changes in addition or deletion of sheets
  2. the footer object is not showing import and export options. It shows only add, rename and delete

I note https:// dns /_/test/csv.json is returning 404 for both first and second user , eventhough data is present.
I am using the published ethercalc npm.

Multi sheet - not seeing addition or deletion of sheets

The concurrent users are not seeing the changes in addition or deletion of sheets

Agree, has this ever worked? Is it a bug or a feature request?
Also, the wants to have it's own issue.

Multi sheet footer - doesnt show export/import

Have you got a screen shot? I did not know there was such a button in the footer.
The export is just left of the column headers. The disk image.

import/export methods

Re: import
To import into an existing sheet, AFAIK the clipboard menu is the only way.

To create from excel/csv/ods etc, you can drop it on landing page. but there is a bug and it needs an old version of "j" Related import bug - #694

Re: export url examples - Multi sheet spreadsheet

Thanks. I am just trying to explore the usecase of ethercalc for my organization with the existing npm published. Saw some differences in using the online and the npm i installed locally.
the csv.json in the locally installed npm is returning blank or no data for multisheet scenario, while the online public ethercalc site works fine.
csv json:
server log error:
join [log-demo.1] [user-0.003431185840276685]
TypeError: X.utils[("sheet_to_" + t)] is not a function
at ..\npm\node_modules\ethercalc\node_modules\j\j.js:210:39

node --version
Understand the Npm published is 4 months old , probably online is latest? Should latest NPM to be published?
Regarding the sheet changes not visible to other concurrent users, thought it was bug. Not sure if it worked earlier.

Also is there any way i can get the audit of changes done by a single user persisted in server.
The dumps in server talks about audit of changes as a whole not as per user session.
The browser has Audit of the session, is there any way that i can retreive the same in server as persisted with the usersession/cookie and timestamp.

@audreyt can you update the NPM - looks like several people are hitting this bug #694


Also is there any way i can get the audit of changes done by a single user persisted in server.

Sorry, the audit is per sheet, not per user.

The browser has Audit of the session, is there any way that i can retreive the same in server as persisted with the usersession/cookie and timestamp.

This audit should exist on the server as well. but in memory, not on disk. As a copy of the browser code runs on the server. (every spreadsheet command runs on the server and all active clients)

@eddyparkinson Sure thing. The master branch is now published as ethercalc@0.20200127.0 on NPM.

multi sheet file importing still doesn't work. It shows empty table

@newsiberian Please try the workaround suggested here #694 (comment)