
Topic monitor

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  • DDS vendor: Cyclone
  • BuildType: Debian
  • Os: Ubuntu Jammy
  • Chip: Amd64



  • Comparing reliability QoS settings



    1. You will need two machines with ROS 2: one mobile and one stationary.

    2. # User input in terminal 1
      ros2 run topic_monitor topic_monitor --display
    3. Run the ros2 launch topic_monitor executable on the stationary machine. This will start two nodes: one publishing in “reliable” mode, and one in “best effort”.

      # User input in terminal 1
      ros2 launch topic_monitor
    4. Start the monitor on a mobile machine such as a laptop. Use ros2 run topic_monitor topic_monitor --display --allowed-latency 5 to account for any latency that may occur re-sending the reliable messages.

      # User input in terminal 1
      ros2 run topic_monitor topic_monitor --display --allowed-latency 5
    5. Take the mobile machine out of range of the monitor, and observe how the reception rates differ for the different topics.


    1. You should see that the "reliable" topic has a reception rate that is almost always either 0 or 100%, while the "best effort" topic has a reception rate that fluctuates based on the strength of the connection.

You can find the code used to generate this test case here