
node-install does not install node(

Andrysky opened this issue · 4 comments

pi@rpi:~ $ sudo node-install -v 12;
''++'' :;;', ,+++;+++ ''++''
:++++++++++: ;;;;;;;'''' '++++'+++++ :++++++++++:
+++. .++' ';;;;;;;;'' +++ +++ '++. '' .+++
+++. .++' '';;;;;;;;' +++ +++ '++. '' ''
+++. .++' ''';;;;;;;; '++++'+++++ :+++++,
: , '';;;, ,+++; ''++'.

Select from list to install specific version of Node 12.X.X:

  1. 12.5.0
  2. 12.4.0
  3. 12.3.1
  4. 12.3.0
  5. 12.2.0
  6. 12.1.0
  7. 12.0.0
    Selection: 1
    Creating, and Changing into directory:/tempNode-12.5.0
    Extracting: node-v12.5.0-linux-armv6l.tar.gz
    Installation is Complete.
    pi@rpi:~ $ nodejs -v
    -bash: nodejs: command not found

why it does not work (

404: Page could not be found
ENOENT: no such file or directory


ok sorry well I saw the information in readme
maybe you shouldn't write
Extracting: node-v12.5.0-linux-armv6l.tar.gz - if there is no file
Installation is Complete. - if the installation is not made?)

The only reason I have yet to change the code is because I was hoping that they would make builds for ARM6, but It's looking like I'm going to have to just make a condition that if you are running an ARM6, that the shell script just runs node-install -v 11. If you want to clone and make the change to the shell script, that would be awesome. :-)