
Trying to place a robot on Mars (or at least simulate it)

Primary LanguageCMake


Trying to place a robot on Mars (or at least simulate it)


This catkin package uses ROS to open a Gazebo world with a textured 3D model made from Mars topography and places a TurtleBot on it. The TurtleBot can barely move on the rough terrain, guess that's why NASA made their own rover instead...

The Husky is more functional, but the world assets for the Husky (DAE and texture) could not be uploaded to GitHub because of the size limitations.


This is a catkin package. Place it in your workspace (catkin/src probably). You need https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3 as well.

Alter mars.launch to point to your mapping of mars.world (it's in the 'worlds' directory).

Execute the following command from the main catkin directory to compile the packages:

$ catkin_make

Then launch the package by typing:

$ roslaunch mars_gazebo mars.launch

Open a new shell and execute this to control the robot:

$ rosrun turtlebot3_teleop turtlebot3_teleop_key


The physics to do not properly save and must be configured in Gazebo after launching.

Physics -> Gravity -> Z: -3.71 m/s^2

Atmospehere -> Temperature: 210 K

Atmospehere -> Pressure: 646 PA

Wind -> Y: 4.5 m/s