
Automated Tests

Opened this issue · 4 comments

It would be good to figure out how one might add some automated tests (so that it's less likely when others or I submit a PR we make a regression).

Currently there are some tests in my local developments. I only tested driver's methods such as save, retrieved and deletes. It would be great if you can submit a PR, only if you got time.

I'd be happy to work on that; I guess first I'll come up with a test plan.

I'll triage into:

  1. We need it yesterday;
  2. We need it now;
  3. It would be nice to have.

I think my criteria for (1) would be:

  1. A regression would completely break an application;
  2. A regression would stop it being installed at all;
  3. A regression would cause some sort of major security issue.

A "need it now" would probably be:

  1. A set of tests to perform a baseline regression suite.

The "futures" or "nice to haves" would be things like:

  1. Completely unlikely [but possible] edge cases;
  2. Tests for features not yet implemented (but soon to be implemented).

PS. I'll start the suite up in Laravel 6.0 with an eye to keeping it compatible with L5.8.0 if possible.

Thanks. I owe you a big time.