
ApiLoggerInterface Issue

Opened this issue · 4 comments


Laravel version: "laravel/framework": "^6.18.35"
I'm using the below 2 packages at the same time:

"awt/apilogger": "dev-master"
"tightenco/ziggy": "^1.0"

I've added @routes to some blade files which will be used to get all routes in the javascript files. Now I wanted to add some other packages and after installing/removing other packages I'm getting the error in pages where I've added @routes

I tried removing, installing, and updating the package. Also, checked some solutions and tried this one (Stackoverflow).

The error screenshot is attached. Can I get the solution for the same?


Is there no solution to this problem without upgrade php version to 8.0? Upgrading php version to 8.0 is not acceptable for Laravel 6.

@kuldeepBacancy did you solve this problem?

Is there no solution to this problem without upgrade php version to 8.0? Upgrading php version to 8.0 is not acceptable for Laravel 6.

There is no solution without upgrading the PHP version. Just because in php version < 8.0 we don't have support for bitwise operators.

So, we need to upgrade the PHP + Laravel versions and resolve the issue.

areoid commented

bad versioning :(