
A personal study of the Covid19 situation in Northland New Zealand, by a concerned resident

Primary LanguagePython

A Covid19 analysis Northland, New-Zealand

A personal study of the Covid19 situation in Northland New Zealand, by a concerned resident in the form of a Jupyter Book

This study is based on publicly available data sources

The Github Pages published version of this can be found at https://auphofbsf.github.io/A-Covid19-analysis-Northland-New-Zealand/intro.html

Accessing Github Data sources

Credentials are required, obtain a Github PAT token to access the MOH Github Data set it in an .env in the root folder such as:


For further info on Github Personal Access Tokens (PAT's) see: https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token

Install in dev environment.

Python 3.9.7 was used with the dependencies contained in requirement.txt .A poetry environment was configured, (this will be added to this repo) It was developed on a Windows 10 x64 machine


for current changes

jb build .

for complete rebuild

jb build . --all

Publish latest book to Github Pages

# workaround for https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/8211  On Windows, Remove-Item fails intermittently with -Recurse and is unexpectedly asynchronous itself

CMD /C RMDIR docs /S /Q 
mkdir docs
Copy-Item -Path _build\html\* -Destination docs –Recurse
echo $null >> docs\.nojekyll
git add docs\*.*
git commit -m "feat: weekly MOH data release"
git push origin