
Cannot use FROM with multiple table names

designermonkey opened this issue · 3 comments

The following is expected:

UPDATE "themes", "entities"
    "themes"."name" =
    "entities"."uuid" = :uuid

instead when doing ->table(Tables::THEMES . ', ' . Tables::ENTITIES) I get:

UPDATE "themes," "entities"
    "themes"."name" =
    "entities"."uuid" = :uuid

and when doing ->table(Tables::THEMES . ' , ' . Tables::ENTITIES) I get:

UPDATE "themes" "," "entities"
    "themes"."name" =
    "entities"."uuid" = :uuid

Interesting. Have never used something like this before.

What are you actually trying to do here?

Do you have any extra things in the where clause ? If not I believe all will be replaced.

Normally we can keep themes.entities_uuid if we need to only update one . But I am not completely aware of what you are doing here.

The expected query is a way of getting around not being able to do joins in update statements. While it is valid for MySQL, it isn't for SQLite, so the alternative is a subselect.

I thought it best to mention this though. Could things like this be documented as 'not possible'?

I could see where the relevant Update classes could be modified to handle multiple calls to table() and comma-separate them on output. @designermonkey if you want to submit a PR for that I'd be happy to review.