Japanese Translation for v2
Closed this issue · 48 comments
task list for manuals/2.0/ja
- configuration.md @shingo-kumagai
- cli.md @jingu
- di.md @koriym
- dispatcher.md @zukimochi
- forms.md @yutakachiba
- index.md @TDakak
- intl.md @okapon
- quick-start.md @yutakachiba
- request.md @yutakachiba
- response.md @koriym
- router.md @shingo-kumagai
- session.md @kumamidori
- setup.md @kenjis
- view.md @shingo-kumagai
Let's collaborate and we don't duplicate the same work.
ping @kumamidori @shingo-kumagai @jingu @okapon @yutakachiba @zukimochi
assign session.md to kumamidori
(あと半分くらいで終わるのですが。PRは今週末になるかもしれません 🐑 )
@koriym I will say don't go for translating validation . Make use of v2 once it is released .
finished configuration.md. let me go view.md next.
@shingo-kumagai nice !
Good work guys! .
I feel it is good not to take auth.md for it is still in beta. It is better to have nothing than wrong doc in the end.
I'd like to translate request.md if no one translated it yet.
@yutakachiba chiba san, good to hear from you !
marked request.md
as WIP.
I take response.md
for next.
I take setup.md
@koriym may be we can look into the adr later. I am thinking it probably needs a better rewrite.
@koriym it may be good, not to remove the names who have done the translations of the page. That may help to know the contributors.
Thank you all. You all doing a great job. I appreciate your time and efforts.
@harikt Allright. I am actually thinking about it. :) (maybe I add the name to the section already done)
done !
I would like to translate TOC into Japanese in left column on http://auraphp.com/manuals/2.0/ja/. Where do they come from?
@koriym copy https://github.com/auraphp/auraphp.github.com/blob/master/manuals/v1/ja/filter.md to validation.md . That can work for the current time.
@okapon Sorry the v1 version of https://github.com/auraphp/auraphp.github.com/blob/master/manuals/v1/ja/intl.md can be copied for they are same. If you are done , no issues.
no one taking router.md ? It is one of the nice components.
let me go router.md then!
I take adr.md
@TDakak no. Don't convert for now. I need to look and verify it, probably some changes is needed. ie why not yet published in the english manual itself.
Hi guys,
if you have send a PR and if its merged you are listed now at http://auraphp.com/community . If you find missing please report .
Thank you
@shingo-kumagai just finished his work, He did three ! Awsome. Arigato @shingo-kumagai san :)
You're welcome :)
I sent PR which add translation of some headings.
By the way, on http://auraphp.com/manuals/2.0/ja/request/, headings about object name are English like "Clinet", "Content", "Headers". But on http://auraphp.com/manuals/2.0/ja/response/, they are translated into Japanese. For example, "Headers" -> "ヘッダー".
To translate them or not, which is better?
@kenjis good call. In 2 minds. Lets translate for there is already an English version if needed to check :) .
Over ! Nice work, Thanks all !