
using namespaces

Closed this issue · 2 comments


i setup the plugin like this:

plugin('aurelia-i18n', (instance) => {
          // adapt options to your needs (see
              resGetPath : 'locale/__lng__/__ns__.json',
              lng : 'en',
              attributes : ['t','i18n'],
              sendMissing : false,
              fallbackLng : 'en',
              debug : false,
              getAsync: false,
              ns: { 
                  namespaces: ['common', 'translation'],
                  defaultNs: 'translation'

I have placed both translation.json and common.json under "locale\en" and when the site is loading i see that both files where loaded.

Unfortunately none of the translation from common.json are working and i get not found exceptions, it seems that i18 doesnt work with that file at all.
If i change defaultNs from 'translation' to 'common' the translations from common.json start working but translation.json stop working.

I am using aurelia-i18n version 0.4.6.

Can you please help me with this issue.


I wonder whether this problem exists in V2 as well. Could you check that out? #46

O.K, i understood what the problem was.
In order to use translation from a namespace that isn't default the code should be something like that:

<div t="common:some string"></div>

In order to use translation from the default namespace it can be done like this:

<div t="some string"></div>