Symbol is not defined in Firefox 35
unional opened this issue · 6 comments
I'm submitting a bug report
- Library Version:
Please tell us about your environment:
Operating System:
Linux -
Firefox 35 -
Current behavior:
Symbol is not defined
Expected/desired behavior:
It should be polyfilled.
It is polyfilled by the code you linked.
The line I linked throw exception Symbol is not defined
on FireFox 35.
And also, if you look into the code. It does not use the pass in param S
The issue is accessing Symbol
immediately throws. Need to be something like window['Symbol']
An firefox 35 is special how?
I thought the were evergreen.
It's about the range of browsers supported. Somewhere in between, this code doesn't work.
See for more details.
Ok.. so you are the guy who's been asked to support FF35..
As in answer to your question on SO - say no.
IE is different in a way. For corporations that buit internal software for IE6.
Firefox.. no reason to support that far back.
Closing for now. Happy to accept a PR if there's a legitimate fix and it's still needed.