
Conflict with uMatrix extension

Closed this issue · 3 comments

vlrmt commented

Test case:

Despite of uMatrix not detecting anything on that XML page, it has to be "powered off" (via the uMatrix On/Off button, for domain in order to be able to download MP3 podcasts normally.

Otherwise an error message displays (here translated from French), preventing the MP3 file download:

"Download error"
The download can't be saved since an unknown error occurred.
Please try again.

Original French error message:

"Erreur de téléchargement"
Le téléchargement ne peut pas être enregistré car une erreur inconnue est survenue.
Veuillez essayer à nouveau.


thanks for the report and finding the incompatible extension

I'll try to find what's going on between rsspreview and umatrix

vlrmt commented

Hi Aurélien,

no need for additional investigations, I've just identified the issue and worked around it :)

Nothing to do with RSSPreview (sorry for my bad assumption), the "problem" comes from uMatrix standard configuration, which blocks any media not belonging to the visited domain ( in my case).

Podcasts are actually hosted on, as I could read on the uMatrix logger-ui.html page (accessible via uMatrix "Aller au Journal" top-right option). Allowing media coming from domain solved the issue.

I guess you can now close this RSSPreview (false) issue ;)

Thanks again for your extension, it does exactly the job I was expecting, don't change anything!

ok cool then :)

thanks for the diagnosis