
Matching Return Type of HybridRouteLayer and RouteLayer

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Matching Return Type of HybridRouteLayer and RouteLayer

Feature Request


I think matching the return type of HybridRouteLayer and RouteLayer is a good idea. This would ensure consistency across different route layers and simplify the integration process.


  1. Consistency: Having consistent return types across different route layers will make the codebase easier to understand and maintain.
  2. Ease of Use: Developers will find it easier to work with both layers if they have the same return type, reducing the learning curve and potential for errors.
  3. Integration: Simplifies the process of integrating different route layers within the same application, leading to a more seamless development experience.

Possible Implementation

# Example of aligning return types (pseudocode)
class HybridRouteLayer:
    def __call__(self, query: Optional[str] = None) -> RouteChoice:
        # Implementation

class RouteLayer:
    def __call__(self, query: Optional[str] = None) -> RouteChoice:
        # Implementation