
How to include conversation history?

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I'm wondering how to include conversation history into a RouteLayer prediction?

Ideally I'd like to do something like:

rl = RouteLayer(encoder=encoder, routes=routes)
route_with_chat_history = rl(user_message, chat_history)

Is this possible?

I see there are two notebooks that attempt this 04-chat-history.ipynb and conversation-topic-splitter.ipynb using the Messages and Conversation classes, but I'm not sure how then to use those messages/conversation in a route selection.

Hi @vdemchenko3 did you have any update after this? I am also interested in routing multiple subjects based on a whole chat history

No I don't have any updates unfortunately. The best I could find was to use an encoder that is able to handle context to some degree such as the E5 Mistral one.

I see, thanks for replying!, looks like I would have to do loops in my conversation turns in order to do some semantic routing for now