
Bulk editing records

fabricat opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to bulk edit multiple records, in order to change only the value of a custom field.
Unfortunately, when I click on Apply I get the following blocking alert:
A valid IPv4 address is required for record type A.

Isn't it expected to leave empty fields unchanged?

Moreover, I see that the Type field is always pre-selected as A, even if I am bulk editing records of different types.
This could lead to unwanted changes.

HI @fabricat, thanks, I can confirm this. The problem is that the default setting for "type" in the Bulk Edit form is A, while it should be None instead.

As a workaround, please just remove the "A" by clicking on the "x" on the right side of the entry field when you bulk edit records - I did a quick test and if you null the field the error you described does not occur. I'll prepare a PR fixing the default. Possibly it is not a bad idea to remove the option of bulk editing record types altogether, as that rarely makes any sense.