
Proposal for VIIRS global factional cover

Opened this issue · 0 comments

  • Check the end members for the VIIRS BRDF data (vs MODIS MCD43A4.061)
  • Who is the user community - ask Juan and Flora (works with Alex on GEOGLAMM)
  • Operational cost and effort
  • Proposal
  • Seek investor

Meeting notes with Stephan 23 May 2023

  • Step 1 small project to find out if VIIRS can be used, ie does it have the channels to calculate fractional cover
  • Step 2 larger project to fund running the new VIIRS data to produce fractional cover
  • to cross-correlate MODIS vs Landsat/S2, need one-off file for Stephan to analyse
  • would degrading the L/S2 to MODIS pixel size be a good check?
  • Flora keen to keep it going for the international front. Not sure which way to go at this stage
  • Roger Lawes in WA is keen to keep GEOGLAMM going
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