
Getting RVM command not found

botchagalupe opened this issue · 0 comments

I have been testing your chef-repo on AWS/EC2 without Vagrant. Periodically (more often than not) I get an error in the rvm.rb recipe on the following resource...

bash "update RVM" do
user "root"
code "rvm get head"

It looks like the rvm command is not sourced.

[Thu, 21 Jul 2011 21:26:21 +0000] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ShellCommandFailed: bash[update RVM](cloudfoundry::rvm line 27) had an error: Expected process to exit 0, but it exited with 127
---- Begin output of "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20110721-9647-19rwnmz-0" ----
STDERR: /tmp/chef-script20110721-9647-19rwnmz-0: line 1: rvm: command not found
---- End output of "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20110721-9647-19rwnmz-0" ----

I am currently testing absolute path'ing to the rvm command in the bash and execute commands for example,

/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm get head ...

This feels coyote ugly. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

John Willis (a.k.a. @botchagalupe)