
cloud help reports subcommands incorrectly

hedgehog opened this issue · 1 comments

The tabulated sucommand commands should not have the cloud- prefix. Correct?

$ cloud help                               
PoolParty core loadtime: 1.302960251                                   
PoolParty release:                                                     
Usage: /home/hedge/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/bin/cloud [--verbose] [--clouds-dot-rb]
[--very-verbose] [--debug] [--very-debug] [--name] [--chef-task] [--version] [--help] COMMAND

The cloud subcommands commands are:
  cloud-bootstrap        Bootstrap a cloud instance
  cloud-compile          Configure a cloud instance
  cloud-configure        Configure a cloud instance
  cloud-console          Open an irb session with clouds.rb loaded
  cloud-contract         contracts the cloud by a single instance
  cloud-expand           expands the cloud by a single instance
  cloud-help             get help for a specific command
  cloud-list             show a list of the current instances on the clouds
  cloud-reboot           Cycle the instances
  cloud-rsync            ssh into an instance of the cloud
  cloud-run              Run a command on all running instances
  cloud-show             shows output about the clouds.rb
  cloud-ssh              ssh into an instance of the cloud
  cloud-start            starts a single instance in your cloud
  cloud-terminate        terminate the cloud
  cloud-vnc              ssh into an instance of the cloud