
When will be the paper published?

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, Kaizhi
I'm really interested in your new AutoVC paper, but I cannot find the paper yet.
We have 3 months left for ICASSP 2020, but I just can't wait. :)

When are you planning to publish the paper?
If you're not planning to publish the paper before ICASSP 2020, can I get a single copy, please?
I'm currently writing a paper for InterSpeech 2020(due Mar 30), and I'll be more than happy to study and cite your new paper along with AutoVC(ICML 2019) paper.

Thanks in advance.
Best, Seungwon

I really would like to release it as early as possible. However, the new paper involves collaboration with a company, so it won't be released until the company gives me permission. Thanks for your interest and please stay tuned.

Understood. Thank you for responding!

I eventually found your paper at ICASSP 2020 open preview. Thanks!

I am glad you found it. It will also be published on arxiv this Friday.