
Rename to just CSSLint?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

What about renaming the package to just CSSLint (for Package Control)? I've had in mind to try and get package maintainers to remove the word Sublime from the name presented in Package Control to reduce noise (since all packages are for Sublime).

You could still keep your repo URL the same and call is sublime csslint on GitHub, this would just affect the Package Control website, install list and the folder it is installed into. The change it would require on your end is in your default commands file you would need to change the path /sublime-csslint/sublime-csslint.sublime-settings to /CSSLint/CSSLint,sublime-settings.

The mapping of the URL to the new name would occur in the channel file.

Sure thing. I'll try to have that updated for you tonight. Just to verify, is there anything else I need to configure in the package_name_map section of the repositories.json file?

You can map "sublime-csslint": "CSSLint" in the package_name_map, or I can do it. Either works for me.

Oops, didn't realize "Fix" in commit messages closes issues. Will - I believe I've fixed this issue. Please review and let me know if you catch anything else.

Also, I've updated my fork of package_control_channel to include the name mapping you suggested.