
Tene roller motor application

Primary LanguageJavaScript


First clone project in to your computer.

Download dependency package

$ yarn

Run: $ yarn electron-dev


Port 55954 UDP broadcast

Use for scan, settings...

Message format

Atop origin message struct:

struct atop_monitor
	unsigned char Op;                         //0, specifies whether the message is a request
    unsigned char Htype;                      /* 1, specifies the network hardware type	*/
    unsigned char Hlen;                       /* 2, specifies the length of a hardware address	*/
    unsigned char unuse;                      /* 3	*/
    unsigned char Transaction_Id[4];          /* 4, contains an integer that diskless machines use to match responses whith request */
    unsigned char Second[2];                  //8
    unsigned char Unused[2];                  //10
    unsigned char Client_Address[4];          //12
    unsigned char Your_IP_Address[4];         //16
    unsigned char Server_IP_Address[4];       //20
    unsigned char Gateway_IP_Address[4];      //24
    unsigned char C_H_A[16];                  //28, old mac address client hardware address
    unsigned char Model_Name[16];             //44, 0
    unsigned char reserved[28];               //60,16
    unsigned char download_type;              //88 ,44
    unsigned char country;                    //89 ,45
    unsigned char Host_Name[16];              //90 ,46
    unsigned char dhcp_flag;                  //106 ,62
    unsigned char port_num;                   //107, 63
    unsigned char Boot_File_Name[128];        //108,for version
    unsigned char Vendor_Specific_Area[64];   //236, used to pass Net mask

Sample of meesage send to roller:

op unused Transaction ID unsued
0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x92 0xda 0x00 0x00 ~ 400

Sample code of javascript to create message :

const message = new Uint8Array(400) //total length = 400 bytes
message[0] = 0x02; //AM_INVITE
message.set([0x92,0xda,0x00,0x00],4); // transaction id

Response of roller

Head (2 bytes) Conetnt size (1 byte) Reserve (1 byte) Content
0x4a 0x53 bytes of content 0x00 {"ip":"","mac":"00:99:0a:fe:00:00","gateway","subnet"}


Use atop serial server monitoring protocol, In this mode (Port 55954). Message should not have roller package.

TCP/IP Port 5566

Use for roller command. Message combine with 2 part.

Basic Format

'^' + [HEAD] + [Roller Package] + '$'

'^': Message start byte '$': Message end byte HEAD: 4 bytes |OP|ID|Flag1|Flag2| Roller Package: Length = LENGTH(second byte) + 3 bytes

Message Format

Example: [ 0xA0 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x55 0x02 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x00 ]
HeadRoller Package
Op (byte)Message IDFlag
0xA00x010x00 0x00 0x55 0x02 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x00

Roller Package Format

0x55CMD+R/W+DATA sizecommand0x00|0x01 ... Sum of datas 0X00
#### Read Command
name command data size comment
phaseCurrent 0x01 byte Phase Current
motrotPeriod 0x02 byte Period
cardTemperature 0x03 byte Motor tempture
fuzzy 0x04 ? Phase Current
phaseCurrent 0x01 byte Phase Current



Response every thing is OK!

OP(1byte) messageID(1byte) Flag1(1byte) Flag2(1byte)
0xFF 0x00 0x00 0x01


Response every thing is OK!

OP(1byte) messageID(1byte) Flag1(1byte) Flag2(1byte)
0xFF 0x00 ERROR Number 0xFF


Roller control command, All data will pass to MCU.

OP(1byte) messageID(1byte) Flag1(1byte) Flag2(1byte) Data ...
0xA1 0x00-0xFF Any Any Roller Package


OP(1byte) messageID(1byte) Flag1(1byte) Flag2(1byte) Data ...
0xA1 0x00 0x00 0x00 return Roller Package

E-Eye Trigger(0XA2)

When Roller's e-eye gpio be triggered. Roller will send this message to all connected socket.

 IMPORTANT! If you want to receive E-Eyes event. You must:

  • set eeyeTCPEvent = 1
  • set hostIP = host who want to receive event.
  • Host connect to roller by tcp socket, It will receive event when socket connection is alive.

Triggered E-Eye event flag:

  • M1E1: 0x01
  • M1E2: 0x02
  • M2E1: 0x04
  • M2E2: 0x08
OP(1byte) messageID(1byte) Flag1(1byte) Flag2(1byte)
0xA2 eventID (00-FF) Trigger GPIO CHKSUM

Host Response

success: ACK OK fail: ACK FAIL

Get settings(B0)

Send to roller

OP(1byte) unused unused unused
0XB0 0x00 0x00 0x00


// package data
typedef struct {
  int forceNeighborIP; //32
  char upperIP[4]; //36
  char downIP[4]; //40
} NeighborIP;

typedef struct {
  int eoz; //0
  int pe; //4
  int halfSpeed; //8
  int speed; //12
  int currentSpeed; //18
  int jamExprTime; //20
  int rumExprTime; //24
  int mode; //28
  NeighborIP nIP; //32
  int eeyeTCPEvent; //44
  char hostIP[4]; //48
  int checkSum; //52
} RollerSettings ; // size = 56 bytes

Set settings(B1)

Send to roller

OP(1byte) version Package size (uint16) Data ...
0XB1 0x00 0x00 Package below


size = RollerSettings + checkSum = 52 + 2 =54 bytes

| data | chkSum | |-----|-----|-----| | RollerSettings (check below) | uint16 |

// package data
typedef struct {
  int forceNeighborIP; //32
  char upperIP[4]; //36
  char downIP[4]; //40
} NeighborIP;

typedef struct {
  int eoz; //0
  int pe; //4
  int halfSpeed; //8
  int speed; //12
  int currentSpeed; //18
  int jamExprTime; //20
  int rumExprTime; //24
  int mode; //28
  NeighborIP nIP; //32
  int eeyeTCPEvent; //44
  char hostIP[4]; //48
  int checkSum; //52
} RollerSettings ; // size = 56 bytes

Response success: ACK OK fail: ACK FAIL