
For chapters that don't have any questions, we should ask them if they want to go to the book page

Closed this issue · 3 comments

screenshot from 2018-08-11 08-55-26

Right now we ask them if they want to go home. I have found that I almost never want to go to the home page at this point. I almost always want to go to the page for that book.

You can just include links for further reading. I would add links to MDN.

That's a good idea!

It might be difficult/time-consuming to find relevant MDN links for each chapter, however. Maybe we could show a link to that chapter of YDKJS and also a link to go back to the book page?

Whatever we do, I don't think we should spend too much time on this because soon we will have questions for every chapter anyways.

Closing because we now have questions for every chapter