Road-trip-api: Backend Setup
Install Java 16(OpenJDK)
Install Docker:
- Windows:
- Go this link: https://docs.docker.com/desktop/windows/install/
- Choose Hyper-V backend and Windows containers to install docker
- For installation, you can follow this tutorial as well (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9AWYlt86B8&t=251s)
- Mac:
- Go to this link: https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/mac-install/
- Choose Mac with Intel chip or Mac with Apple chip depending on your specific machine
- Windows:
Setup Project in IntelliJ
- Import the project at the road-trip-planner parent dir (root of repository) into IntelliJ using existing sources
- Import the inner road-trip-api subdirectory
- Go File > Project Structure > Modules > + > Import Module
- For this, choose to import using external model with Gradle
- IntelliJ should autodetect your Gradle project and download dependencies
- Configure Lombok
- Install Lombok Plugin for IntelliJ (IntelliJ IDEA > Preferences > Plugins ... Search for "Lombok" by Michail Plushnikov)
- Enable Annotation Processing in IntelliJ Compliation (IntelliJ IDEA > Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Annotation Processors > Check "Enable annotation processing")
- Deploy MySql: https://medium.com/containerum/how-to-deploy-mysql-in-docker-containers-ba870247eff7
- From IntelliJ, create the default road-trip-planner database on the server: File > New > Data Source > Mysql
- Configure the connection:
- Name: csi3372-group-project:us-central1:main
- Host:
- Port: 3306
- User: root
- Database: test_schema
- URL: jdbc:mysql://
- Password: )Be1].z#~#Udx+`B
- Test Connection and hit OK
- On the right-hand side of IntelliJ, click on the "Database" tab
- For the road-trip-planner database, right click and navigate to New > Schema
- Add a new database named road-trip-planner and hit OK
- Configure the connection:
- Startup the API from IntelliJ SpringBoot Run Configuration
- Specify VM Options -Dspring.profiles.active=development
road-trip-frontend: Frontend Setup
- Install VSCode: https://code.visualstudio.com/Download
- Install Node.js: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
- In the terminal, navigate to the road-trip-frontend directory and run the following commands:
npm install
npm run dev
- Navigate to http://localhost:3000 - you should see the road trip application
FAQ: Dang, the GCP deployment is failing... because space ran out??? Just run this:
$ sudo docker container prune
$ sudo docker image prune
We are no longer using yarn. Use npm instead
npm install
npm run dev
The database is hosted on Google Cloud. See above for credentials.
Production Site: https://terratrip.gq