
USDT trading not working

Closed this issue · 8 comments

When I try to use USDT as the base coin and BTC as target, I get an error about not able to calculate the quantity, doing a bit of digging, quantity.toFixed(quantitySigFig) returns 0, So I hardcoded a 6 for decimal points, and I think it didn't sell at profit nor stop loss when it should during the hole night. My settings:


Hi @pitxels,

I purposely made it return 0 if it was USDT. Can you report here the error?

Having the quantitySigFig equal 0 is valid as it rounds the number to the nearest whole number.

I am currently working on the STOP_LIMIT_PERCENTAGE issue as well.

You should also check in your repo ledger.csv for checking if you're selling at a profit :)

The error is this:

Consuming queue... Orders in queue: 0
W.O.L.F is hunting...
Calculating quantity... 
Quantity Calculated:  0
Watching watchlist... Orders in watchlist:  0
Consumed queue. Orders in queue: 0
PURCHASE ERROR:  Error: Invalid quantity.
    at /Users/Juss/wolf/node_modules/binance-api-node/dist/http.js:47:13
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:178:7)

And the bot start the loop anyway but it does not create a buy order.

Let me put you this scenario:

I am going to trade USDT-BTC (base is usdt and target btc)

So I am going to expend 50 USDT and that will give me let say 0.006666 BTC
I will need to put BUDGET=50 and W.O.L.F calculates quantity ok ( lets say the 0.006666)

The problem is indeed what you say, you are getting a whole number out of that quantity with

So I am wondering now, why do you need to use whole numbers?

"So I am wondering now, why do you need to use whole numbers?"

I dont :)

My mistake. Let me give this a fix later this weekend. I need to change my logic for the significant figure rounding for quantity, rounding against the MIN_NOTIONAL filter worked previously for BTC and ETH. But not for USDT.

Here is the current logic:

          get quantitySigFig() {
                const sf = Number(this.filters[2].minNotional.indexOf('1') - 1);
                return sf >= 0 ? sf : 0; 

Here are the logs for the filters:

BTC:  [ { filterType: 'PRICE_FILTER',
    minPrice: '0.00000001',
    maxPrice: '100000.00000000',
    tickSize: '0.00000001' },
  { filterType: 'LOT_SIZE',
    minQty: '1.00000000',
    maxQty: '90000000.00000000',
    stepSize: '1.00000000' },
  { filterType: 'MIN_NOTIONAL', minNotional: '0.00100000' } ]
ETH:  [ { filterType: 'PRICE_FILTER',
    minPrice: '0.00000001',
    maxPrice: '100000.00000000',
    tickSize: '0.00000001' },
  { filterType: 'LOT_SIZE',
    minQty: '1.00000000',
    maxQty: '90000000.00000000',
    stepSize: '1.00000000' },
  { filterType: 'MIN_NOTIONAL', minNotional: '0.01000000' } ]
USDT:  [ { filterType: 'PRICE_FILTER',
    minPrice: '0.00001000',
    maxPrice: '100000.00000000',
    tickSize: '0.00001000' },
  { filterType: 'LOT_SIZE',
    minQty: '0.01000000',
    maxQty: '90000000.00000000',
    stepSize: '0.01000000' },
  { filterType: 'MIN_NOTIONAL', minNotional: '10.00000000' } ]

found it:

(quantity-minQty) % stepSize == 0

this will be a fun weekend! looking at v3.5.0 woohoo


this branch fixes this bug.

going to merge the branch with v3.5.0 later this weekend. v3.5.0 will have better/cleaner logging and a wolf buy/sell mocha simulation test suite that will hopefully expose the STOP_LIMIT_PERCENTAGE bug at the same time.

good night fellas, see y'all sunday && monday

view PR notes for more info! will merge in a bit.

merged, closing please oppen new bug ticket if issues persist! <3