
Buy again in specific price

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EARES commented

Hi ! This is a question btw.

I would like to buy again in specific price in bot. Like "(sold price) x (0.05)" . I calculated already but I can't

make a buy order in calculated price. I put in the some code for how to calculate the sold price and make an buy order so may you can take a look.

        const soldPrice = this.queue.meta.currPrice - ( this.queue.meta.currPrice * 0.05 ) 

I calculate here in sold price * 0.05 so its work. But when I create a buy order its buy again same price not calculate price !

       price: (price && price.toFixed(priceSigFig)) || (this.ticker.meta.ask).toFixed(priceSigFig) || ( soldPrice.toFixed(priceSigFig) )

so you can see I added in last .

And my queue.js

this.meta = {
            queue: {},
            buyCount: 0,
            sellCount: 0,
            currPrice: 0


I define here currPrice mean CurrentPrice

if (side === 'PURCHASED') {
                       meta.buyCount += 1;
                   else {
                       meta.currPrice = txn.price;
                       meta.sellCount += 1;

And you can see currentprice = price .

Any helps ?

Cheers !