
Migration guide credentials section is unclear

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi, this section in the documentation is unclear:

The old team was using Lock v1, and they have put Auth0ClientId and Auth0Domain fields into the Info.plist of the application. This section doesn't describe what should be done with those fields.

FYI I gave up on migrating to Lock v2 because the auth0 v1 APIs that we were using are completely undocumented in lock v2. I.e. stuff like A0Lock.shared().apiClient().signUp(withEmail: email, password: password, loginOnSuccess: true, parameters: A0Parameters, ...)

@srcreigh we stop recommending credentials in Info.plist in favor of Auth0.plist before v2 and thats why is not here. We could add that info later but its not hard to figure out that the correct way of adding your auth0 credentials now is using Auth0.plist

About the API client, we missed that section since we splitted lock and api client in different libs and the API client now is Auth0.swift. Will add that reference in the Migration Guide

re: API client, cool, thanks. we might migrate later.

Thanks @srcreigh for the feedback, in the mean time it's worth looking at the QuickStarts that cover your questions.

Also checkout the Custom Login chapter which shows using the .signUp method in Auth0.swift

Sample source code is also provided.

thanks @cocojoe :)