
Using Lock credentials aren't not being saved on emulator.

scottandrew opened this issue · 2 comments

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I have a simple service that authenticates using Lock. When the authentication is complete the credentials are written using CredentialManager. However if check to see if there are valid credentials using hasValid() it always returns false.

The auth0 session sample seems to work fine.


public enum AuthenticationServiceError: Error {
    case failedToGetToken
    case failedToSaveToken
    case failedToLogout

typealias AuthenticationServiceResult = Swift.Result<Void, AuthenticationServiceError>

class Auth0Service {
    private (set) var token: String?
    private let credentialsManager: CredentialsManager = CredentialsManager(authentication: Auth0.authentication(), storage: A0SimpleKeychain())

    enum State {
        case loggedIn
        case loggedOut

    private var credentials: Credentials?
    private (set) var state: State = .loggedOut

    var isTokenValid: Bool { return credentialsManager.hasValid() }

    init() {
        // lets turn on logging
        _ = Auth0.authentication().logging(enabled: true)

    func login(handler: @escaping (AuthenticationServiceResult) -> Void) {

        if isTokenValid {
            credentialsManager.credentials { error, credentials in
                guard let credentials = credentials else {
                    self.state = .loggedOut
                    self.token = nil
                    if let error = error { print("\(error)")}


                self.token = credentials.accessToken

        } else {
                .withOptions { options in
                    options.scope = "openid profile offline_access"
                    options.audience = ""
                    options.oidcConformant = true
                    options.logHttpRequest = true
                    options.logLevel = .all
                .withConnections {
                    $0.database(name: "Username-Password-Authentication", requiresUsername: true)
            .onAuth { [weak self] credentials in
                self?.credentials = credentials

                if !(self? credentials) ?? false) {

            .onError { error in
                handler(Swift.Result<Void, AuthenticationServiceError>.failure(.failedToGetToken))



Please provide the following:

  • Lock 2.16.1
  • Xcode 11.3, iOS 13.3

Actually this is a problem in 11.4 beta 3 and iOS 11.4 simulator.

Same issue as auth0/SimpleKeychain#90, please check that thread for updates.