
Cannot set string in simulator.

burakkilic opened this issue · 3 comments


I am trying this code in simulator. But it doesn't work. token is nil.

 [[A0SimpleKeychain keychain] setString:value forKey:key];
 NSLog(@"token is %@", [[A0SimpleKeychain keychain] stringForKey:key]);

If I run this in a device, it works.

What is wrong?

I assume this is Xcode 8 and iOS 10 simulator? Because I am having the same problem.

Yes its true. I allowed keychain in Entitlements and now it is working.

On Friday, 23 September 2016, Jaison Green wrote:

I assume this is Xcode 8 and iOS 10 simulator? Because I am having the
same problem.

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Adil Burak Kılıç

@burakkilic Thanks. Had the same problem. For others: select your main project and go to Capabilities and enable Keychain sharing project