
Xcode analysis raises 'nil value' issue

iheart2code opened this issue · 5 comments

Here's the message I'm getting from Xcode CI.

Bot Issue: analyzerWarning. API Misuse (Apple).
Issue: Value stored into 'NSMutableDictionary' cannot be nil.
File: A0SimpleKeychain.m.
Description: Value stored into 'NSMutableDictionary' cannot be nil.

It takes me to line 285 of A0SimpleKeychain.m.

Hah, looks like you just resolved this yesterday.

I can close this once you get a versioned release out to CocoaPods.

@iheart2code I didn't have the chance to release a new version. Also there is an issue there I need to solve too but I'll release a new version today.

@iheart2code a new version with those fixes is available in CocoaPods.

Worked! Thanks, man.