
Swift package manager support

lvnkmn opened this issue · 2 comments

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Description of the bug or feature request and why it's a problem. Consider including:

  • The use case or overall problem you're trying to solve
  • Information about when the problem started


[ x ] I have read the Auth0 general contribution guidelines.

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Please provide the following:

  • Version of SimpleKeychain used: 0.9.0
  • Version of OS used: iOS 13
  • Additional dependencies that might be relevant:
  • If using Carthage or CocoaPods, please include your Cartfile or Podfile
  • Xcode version: 11


  • this is not a bug, just a feature request

Feature request

Support for Swift package manager would be great, since Xcode now treats Swift Packages as a first class citizen.

SimpleKeychain is an ObjC project. I think adding SPM would need first a Objective-C bridging header. And I really don't know if that is possible up to now (or the entire SimpleKeychain should be migrated to Swift first).

If, using ObjC is possible, then adding SPM should be as simple as adding a Package.swift file with

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(name: "SimpleKeychain",
                      platforms: [.macOS(.v10_11),
                      products: [.library(name: "SimpleKeychain",
                                          targets: ["SimpleKeychain"])],
                      targets: [.target(name: "SimpleKeychain",
                                        path: "SimpleKeychain")])

Closed by #75.