
Impossible to update users from the API

CodeDrivenMitch opened this issue · 1 comments


  • I have looked into the Readme and Examples, and have not found a suitable solution or answer.
  • I have looked into the API documentation and have not found a suitable solution or answer.
  • I have searched the issues and have not found a suitable solution or answer.
  • I have searched the Auth0 Community forums and have not found a suitable solution or answer.
  • I agree to the terms within the Auth0 Code of Conduct.


I want to update the user's name and some additional information from the backend. For this, I use this SDK.

Unfortunately, the auth0 API no longer accepts attributes that it will not update. Retrieving a user, modifying some fields and then saving it will not work because of this. This is the reported error:

Request failed with status code 400: Payload validation error: 'Additional properties not allowed: locale,logins_count,last_login,last_ip,identities,updated_at,created_at,user_id (consider storing them in app_metadata or user_metadata. See "Users Metadata" in for more details)'.

In addition, the fields mentioned by the error can not be cleared, as there are no setters.


  1. Obtain an API
    private fun getApi(): ManagementAPI {
        val token = AuthAPI.newBuilder(domain, clientId, clientSecret).build()

        return ManagementAPI.newBuilder(domain, token).build()
  1. Call the update:
fun accept(@RequestBody body: RegisterBody, principal: Principal) {
    val subject = principal.sub()
    val api = getApi()
    val currentUser = api.users().get(subject, UserFilter()).execute().body
    currentUser.givenName = body.firstName
    currentUser.familyName = body.lastName
    if(currentUser.userMetadata == null) {
        currentUser.userMetadata = mutableMapOf()
    currentUser.userMetadata["Organization"] =
    currentUser.userMetadata["Terms"] =
    currentUser.userMetadata["Registered"] = true
    api.users().update(subject, currentUser).execute()

Additional context

It would be possible to work around this by creating a new user, copying ALL attributes manually, and then posting it. This does not seem desireable to me, however.

auth0-java version


Java version


Hey @CodeDrivenMitch, thanks for raising this. As you noticed, because the domain objects like User are not request-specific (i.e., we don't have a CreateUserRequest or UpdateUserRequest), issues like you encountered can happen. In a future version of the library we may do just that, and separate the body objects based on requests. That would be a big change, however, so for now what you can do is create a new User like you mentioned, but you shouldn't need to copy all the attributes. Just set the fields you want updated; any fields that aren't changing can be ommitted. I know it's not ideal but others have found doing that to not be too onerous. Perhaps we can look into a way to create the separation in the short-term without creating all new body types, just not sure how that would work in the short-term.