
loginWithRedirect behaving different between dev and prod with nextjs

ian-weir opened this issue · 8 comments



I'm working on a NextJS app that is completely being rendered statically by way of NextJS's Automatic Static Optimization feature. Using the next dev and next build + static export or next start has different behaviour when using LoginWithRedirect.

In dev mode it behaves as expected passing redirect_uri, organization and invitation in the authorization parameters.

When running in production mode the organization and invitation parameters are not respected in the resulting url used for redirection.


  1. Use a nextjs project but only with front end functionality, nothing server side
  2. Conditionally pass organization & invitation parameters when present.
  3. Redirect url doesn't contain either of those parameters

Additional context

Using Next 13.3.2

Query params in production mode also have a series of strange parameters at the beginning:


Redirect url in dev mode looks like:{CLIENT_ID}&scope=openid+profile+email+offline_access&audience={AUDIENCE}&organization={ORGANIZATION}&redirect_uri={REDIRECT_URI}&response_type=code&response_mode=query&state=RkdiTjVHSldqUTlRbGY1anJfTDJNWDM0NWFLZ0l5NVZZfm9nWnBoTWdqZw%3D%3D&nonce=UlRrbnRpOFFZcXJHVllIOH5VNk1sTUUtTEpOM0F0RXg4Y2VRaEN2d0JjUg%3D%3D&code_challenge=03VHmwHDV56Tz7Wpe8qQtZEb_y692NueGqhmSyeJ4Ls&code_challenge_method=S256&auth0Client={AUTH0_CLIENT}

Note: I have not tested with the sample app at this point in time

auth0-react version


React version


Which browsers have you tested in?

Chrome, Other

Hi @ian-weir

It looks like you're passing an array as your authorizationParams in prod

new URLSearchParams({ client_id: 'foo', ...'foobar'.split('') }).toString();
// '0=f&1=o&2=o&3=b&4=a&5=r&client_id=foo'

I'd need to see some code that reproduces the issue if you want me to debug it for you

Hi @adamjmcgrath as far as I can tell, I'm not passing an array anywhere.

Here's the snippet that handles the loginWithRedirect for invitations

const authorizationParams: AppState  = {
    organization: params.get('organization'),
    redirect_uri: `${baseUrl.current}/callback`

if(params.get('invitation')) {
  authorizationParams.invitation = params.get('invitation')

await loginWithRedirect({
  appState: {
    returnTo: '/users/user/get-current-user-id/dashboard'

and here's the one that handles when the user clicks our login button:

const organizationInHostname = hostname.current.split('.')[0]
const authorizationParams: AppState = {
  redirect_uri: `${baseUrl.current}/callback`,

if(organizationInHostname !== 'login') {
  authorizationParams.organization = organizationInHostname

await loginWithRedirect({
  appState: {
    returnTo: '/users/user/get-current-user-id/dashboard'

While this is the Provider


Just an update I was able to work around this by manually appending the query params in the openUrl method

Hi @ian-weir

Could you log authorizationParams before you call loginWithRedirect in production mode and share the result?

Sure thing: {invitation: "foo", organization: "bar", redirect_uri: "http://localhost:3000/callback"}

Here's the resulting URL:{CLIENT_ID}&scope=openid+profile+email+offline_access&audience={AUDIENCE}&response_type=code&response_mode=query&state=UzlVZERYVWMtV0FlQmRuTmpyTkFPSk9vVWZoQm84SmtoN19YX0Q0R21WUw%3D%3D&nonce=MzI2YzF2VWdmM2tNZDFYZWthbGo4YUJUcWU5SE9VRV80MnMwV1pMNWdBeA%3D%3D&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A3000%2Fcallback&code_challenge=rfTPyK0X8mO9g1nXL-KQ70spNRLq95vsaDSgZ51QZHw&code_challenge_method=S256&auth0Client={AUTH0_CLIENT}

Hi @ian-weir - thanks for sharing those

When I call

await loginWithRedirect({
  authorizationParams: {invitation: "foo", organization: "bar", redirect_uri: "http://localhost:3000/callback"}

I get redirected to .../authorize?redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A3000%2Fcallback&invitation=foo&organization=bar&response_type=code&...

So can't reproduce your issue.

In order to help you - I'll need a repo or a link that demonstrates the issue.

Closing because no more information was provided. Feel free to provide a reproduction if you need further assistance and we can reopen as needed.

Sorry, spaced on this thread. Unfortunately I can't give a repo as it's for work and we're not open source. As for link I can't do that for now either as we haven't launched yet. @adamjmcgrath Out of curiosity what version of React, Next, & auth0-react were you using?

For me:

auth0-react version - 2.2.1
React version - 18.2
Next version - 13.3.2