No possibility of gaining refresh token
rysiuwroc opened this issue · 1 comments
rysiuwroc commented
It is not possible to gain Refresh Token with .GetTokenAsync request using ResourceOwnerTokenRequest or any other.
I want to get the refresh token providing email and password.
Did I miss something?
rysiuwroc commented
SOLVED! Answering myself for other people having the same problem.
You have to add an additional Scope ofter openid followed by space:
var request = new ResourceOwnerTokenRequest
Audience = _settings.ApiIdentifier,
ClientId = _settings.ClientId,
ClientSecret = _settings.ClientSecret,
Password = password,
Username = email,
ForwardedForIp = _settings.ForwardedForIp,
SigningAlgorithm = JwtSignatureAlgorithm.RS256,
Scope = "openid offline_access"