
OrganizationCreateInvitationRequest documentation reports that SendInvitationEmail defaults to true ,

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While testing an (enterprise) integration, I've found that the Auth0 ManagementApi SDK does NOT set the "SendInvitationEmail" parameter to true (even though the documentation says it defaults to true.

This aligns with what the rest api documentation says, but no emails are sent unless you actually set the invitaiton email to true.


  1. Invoke the client.Organizations.CreateInvitationAsync method with valid parameters.
OrganizationInvitation inviteResponse = await client.Organizations.CreateInvitationAsync(
    new OrganizationCreateInvitationRequest
        ClientId = auth0ApplicationClientId,
        ConnectionId = _connectionId,
        Invitee = new OrganizationInvitationInvitee
            Email = userEmail
        Inviter = new OrganizationInvitationInviter
            // this seems to only be for displaying in the auth0 dashboard
            Name = inviterName
        // SendInvitationEmail = true

Additional context

No response version


.NET version


This is fixed in the latest available version 7.27.0
Closing the issue now.