
Impossible Level

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I downloaded the "Funky" (hardcore) preset randomizer and one of the stages I got was Donut Secret 1 without water. It doesn't seem to be possible to complete without doing a Yoshi sacrifice. But the level is also designated as a "No Yoshi" level. Thankfully this level was put in Star World so it is not necessary to do in order to finish the game, but it does make a 100% run impossible and I'm kind of OCD when it comes to things like that. :-P

Also I have gotten the bonus game to be incorrectly loaded causing me to get stuck but this is easily avoidable by simply not getting goal stars.

Well after several hours and several hundred reloaded save states I did manage to beat the level using some super-fancy cape maneuvers. I think I will "chill out" and play some Kaizo Mario World now...