
[Feature Request] Overworld tweak options

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I have Loved this Randomizer for a long time, I was hoping that someday in its progression to see more options for randomizing the map layout/Overworld. Some of the ideas include:

  • Making all levels look the same so it is harder to find the Castles and Forts (for example every stage could be a yellow dot (or anything really) even if more than one exit exist within the level) (Levels could also be revealed upon completion for example sign and crushed castle appear when castle is beaten so you can track your progress.)

  • Expanding the Locations where levels can spawn. (Currently yellows can only be replaced by yellows or castles, reds only replaced with reds, and Switched and warpstars with each other. Two potential solutions: If a yellow is on a tile that typically has two exits, both paths are unlocked upon completion of level. This would also work in reverse having both exits of a red level unlock the same overworld path. Levels that have no forward path would just behave like the Vanilla star world levels and go back one level. second solution was really convoluted as I typed it so I erased it.)

  • Randomize over world sections (For example then you enter vanilla dome you might end up in the forest of illusion instead.)

  • More warp star locations (achieved by method similar to above where if the next level tile is a star the path forward also completes as if the level tile the star is on has been completed as well)

  • add Bowsers castle into the mix of where it can be (sort of like a find Bowser mode)

  • Non-overworld related but can we add a toggle for the vertical castle water level not to be included in the "remove water from stages" button.

That is all I got, and it would be really cool to have some of these implemented but I realize that I am probably late to the party. Can't hurt to suggest it I suppose. Thank you for your time in reading this. Have a great (Insert next sequential part of day here).